Thursday, May 29, 2008

Join us for talk about..ourselves.

Discussion/Study Group for Local Economy Readings and Action

Based on the E.F. Schumacher Society's paradigm, this group will read and discuss short and longer essays, watch short videos on the subjects of land, labor and money as community assets, rather than as commodities.
Reading will include Jane Jacobs, E.F. Schumacher, Robert Swann, Susan Witt, Peter Berg, Rudolf Steiner and many more who have written or spoke on the tools and paths to create a regional economy.
The discussions will be moderated-without having too much structure we hope-and we wil focus on the land, Labor and Wealth Generation topics seen on the Society's website:

The idea is to hold these groups once month, and alternating Uptown and downtown locations. We would also like it to be non-alcoholic at one and alcohol-allowable for the other. We expect that Fair Grinds Coffeehouse will be our downtown location as they are leaders and true community people in their parts and we will no doubt find a successful Uptown location easily.

Please leave comments here to talk about your interests in this concept and possible Uptown locations.
My initial feeling is Mondays or Wednesday nights will be best and possible starting at 6 pm.

1 comment:

Darnola said...

so far, 4th Wednesday seems right and available at downtown location; Am checking with Mockingbird Cafe Uptown as the other location.