Sunday, December 22, 2013

Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, The Future Needs Us | TomDispatch

This lovely piece definitely describes our role as a prophetic city and the big moments that are ahead for all of us:

"What I learned first in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina was how calm, how resourceful, and how generous people could be in the worst times: the “Cajun Navy” that came in to rescue people by boat, the stranded themselves who formed communities of mutual aid, the hundreds of thousands of volunteers, from middle-aged Mennonites to young anarchists, who arrived afterward to help salvage a city that could have been left for dead.

I don’t know what’s coming. I do know that, whatever it is, some of it will be terrible, but some of it will be miraculous, that term we reserve for the utterly unanticipated, the seeds we didn’t know the soil held. And I know that we don’t know what we do does. As Shane Bauer points out, the doing is the crucial thing" (italics added)" Tomgram: Rebecca Solnit, The Future Needs Us | TomDispatch

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